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Activated Carbon

1. What is the activated carbon?

It is aggregation of amorphous carbon with well-developed micro pores made of raw materials such as wood, lignite, anthracite, palm shell, etc., which is an absorbent to get wide inner surface area because molecular size of micro-pores are well formed in activation process. The functional group of carbon atoms existing on the surface have properties to absorb molecules of the absorbed substances by applying their attractive force to liquid or gas around them, so it is utilized in various industrial areas such as environment, water treatment, etc.

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2. Features of Activated Carbon

Absorption is the phenomenon that gas, liquid, solutes, dispersions or colloids are concentrated on the surface of absorbent due tosurface force of solid and it is made by Van Der Waals Force coexisting among atoms, and the absorption caused by force as the above is called physical absorption and the absorbed molecules are easily detached.

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3. 3 stages of absorption process of activated carbon

1st stage : Stage that absorptive molecules move to outer surface of absorbent
2nd stage: Stage that absorbates pass through Meso Pores and Micro Pores of

                   absorbent and are spread.
3rd stage : Stage that the spread absorbates are bonded with inner surface of micro                     pores and are filled in them.

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